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In 1994 I traveled to the Canary Islands for the first time. Back then at the invitation of Thor Heyerdahl. After my successful DILMNUN III experiment, he really wanted to know how I managed to sail against the wind on the Baltic Sea. Today – 28 years later – I was concerned with completely different topics. The main goal was a conversation with the widow Jacqueline Heyerdahl and shooting at different places with high archaeological importance in Tenerife and Lanzarote.
Jaqueline Heyerdahl and David V. Ortiguez (scientific director) received us on Tuesday in the pyramid park Güimar/Tenerife. At the large step pyramids we interviewed Jaqueline. She was overwhelmed by the information about the new ABORA V expedition. On the way to the step pyramid of the sun, she symbolically handed me the baton to fulfill her husband's legacy with the planned ABORA V expedition. It was a very emotional moment that we captured for our documentary.
I then led the chief archaeologist to an exciting observation. I noticed a small niche on a small, inconspicuous stepped tower. Upon inspection, it turned out to be a portal representing a mythical entrance or exit of the soul. The director of Institutum Canarium Hans-Jürgen Ulrich instructed me to look out for these architectural structures. He has been researching these niches for many years not only on the Canary, but also on the Mediterranean and Azores stepped structures. Other similarities, such as spiral ramps and their astronomical alignment, place these structures in a homologous series. That is, they indicate a common cultural origin!
The same applies to a relatively "newly discovered" step structure on Lanzarote. Two days later we explored this together with Ramon Zürcher (ABORA & A.A.S. team) for the presence of similar structures. The surprise was great that we not only found the same niches, but also discovered a small chamber with a beehive vault behind one! A day earlier we had found an almost identical vault in a single-stage platform near the burial ground of Quiquere (Lanzarote). There were also dozens of tumuli towering up into the sky. Almost all equipped with niches as "soul gates". The next highlight was the small step pyramid by Maguez. It featured both the niches and a small corridor with a chamber. This was very amazing as I also know this architectural feature from the Azores island of Pico as well as from Sicily! These observations support our view that these stepped structures are not agricultural structures. Rather, they must be the legacy of older cultures that erected these tiered structures as sacred architecture.
We made another amazing observation in Guiteza. But I will describe this report in the next post. (to be continued …)
Copyright | Dominique Görlitz • Dr.-S.-Allende-Str. 46 • D − 09119 Chemnitz | Telefon 0049 - (0)371 725 478 0 | Mobil 0049 − (0)163 - 511 57 66 |