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Pyramiden auf den Azoren

Artikel im Mysteries Magazin über die vergessenen Pyramiden auf den Azoren

Bitte besorgen Sie sich das neue Mysteries Magazin Ausgabe 5/2014!
Lesen Sie meinen Artikel über die vergessenen Pyramiden der Azoren und deren Bedeutung für die trans-atlantische Kulturforschung. Die MYSTERIES Redaktion (Luc Bürgin) gewährte mir breiten Raum, um mit diesem Artikel die steinernen Zeugen auf den Azoren zurück ins Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit zu holen. Diese jüngst entdeckten Stufenpyramiden stellen eine Art physiologischen Beweis dar, dass die antiken Legenden über große bewohnte Inseln im Westen des Atlantiks keine Phantastereien romantisch verklärter Kartographen sind. Sie erhalten durch diese Wiederentdeckung eine substantielle Bestätigung!
Mein Dank geht an dieser Stelle auch an Vanessa Santos (Faial) und Hans-Dieter Gau, die mich bei der Anfertigung mit etlichen herrlichen Fotos unterstützten.

über die Pyramiden auf den Azoren - 20.05.2014

Archaeologists from the Portuguese Association of Archaeological Research (APIA) have identified new archaeological evidence on Pico Island that supports their belief that the Azores were already discovered by ancient seafarers thousands of years ago. The newly found remains deliver strong evidence that ancient seafarers certainly sailed into the Atlantic long before the Phoenicians. They show a great variety of proto-historic pyramidal structures, known by the locals as “maroiços”.

For that reason Dr. Dominique Görlitz, Thor Heyerdahl Jr. and Dale Bell have presented these new evidence at the KON TIKI Museum Oslo on May 20th, 2014 in order to emphasize the importance of this discovery.

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Thor Heyerdahl Jr., the oldest son of Thor Heyerdahl , is opening the conference with kind worlds about the life of his farther and why the ABORA Projects are so important for his legacy.
Dr. Görlitz has spoken about the distributions of pyramids all over the world, how they may symbolize the cultural interactions and the relevance of the newly discovered pyramids on the Azores. The Swedish TV producer Bengt Jonson & Andres Berg are making a TV documentary for 100th anniversary of Thor Heyerdahl in 2014.
The stepped pyramids from Pico Island are really impressive. Portuguese archaeologists finally discovered over 140 still remaining structures and already opened a pyramid park in Madelena few years ago. The structures show very big similarity to the building from the Canarias and Sicily. It is a very important proof that the Azores were already colonized and regular contacted in pre-Columbian times.
Thor Jr. was very excited and grateful for the presentation from Görlitz. Being an oceanographer he full agreed to the statements of Görlitz and why trans-disciplinary research is so important to solve ancient mysteries.
The second speaker was Dale Bell, film/television producer and Oscar-winner. He produced the TIGRIS EXPEDITION documentary which has also inspired with enthusiasm Dominique Görlitz when he saw it in 1979 first times!
Dale Bell explained in very warm and enthusiastic words his experiences by working together with Thor Heyerdahl. Dale also expressed why it would be so important to set sail on a new ABORA IV again.
Dale Bell and Dominique Görlitz asked to auditorium for support and advertisement in order to market the new project. Thor Jr. already manifested his will to support this new maritime endeavor in the wake of his father.
Special guest was also Bettina Heyerdahl, Thor´s second daughter who came to celebrate this event with all guests.
The audience was apparently excited about the speeches and whole presentation.
Many visitors enjoyed the opportunity to speak with the speakers and Heyerdahl family about the event.
The former sponsor of ABORA II and ocean carrier owner of FLYBATEN, Arne Osmundsvaag, has invited the international guests to participate on an ocean trip with a full-size reconstructed VIKING SHIP from Tønsberg on the Oslo Fjord.
Dale Bell and Dominique Görlitz enjoyed this journey and gave them already a first impression of new maritime project.

Copyright | Dominique Görlitz •  Dr.-S.-Allende-Str. 46 • D − 09119 Chemnitz | Telefon 0049 - (0)371 725 478 0 | Mobil 0049 − (0)163 - 511 57 66 | dominique.goerlitz@t-online.de

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